July Labor Market Trends With CEO- Brian Miller

business people waiting for interview


Join us as we delve into the latest labor market trends with Brian Miller, CEO of Patrice and Associates. In our recent interview, we discuss the U.S. labor market’s addition of 206,000 jobs in June and the implications of the unemployment rate rising to 4.1%. Brian provides valuable insights into what this means for businesses and job seekers alike, the sectors driving job growth, and the pivotal role recruiting firms like Patrice & Associates play in navigating these changes.


Interview with CEO- Brian Miller-

Patrice & Associates Franchising

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today, Brian. Let’s dive right into the recent news. The US labor market added 206,000 jobs in June, yet the unemployment rate ticked up to 4.1%, the highest since 2021. Can you share your thoughts on this?


Brian Miller: Thank you for having me. The recent job growth is indeed solid and exceeded analysts’ expectations, although the rise in the unemployment rate to 4.1% does raise some concerns. It’s a sign that while jobs are being added, there are still challenges in matching the right candidates to these roles.


Interviewer: The Federal Reserve mentioned that the labor market is “tight but not overheated.” What does this mean for businesses and job seekers?


Brian Miller: This indicates that the labor market is approaching pre-pandemic conditions where demand and supply for labor were balanced but not excessively so. It’s a good sign for businesses as it suggests stability, but it also means that job seekers need to be more strategic in their job searches.


Interviewer: Healthcare, Government, and Leisure and Hospitality have been key drivers of job growth. However, in June, the growth was led by Government, Healthcare, Social Services, and Construction. What can you tell us about these trends?


Brian Miller: The shift in sectors leading job growth reflects ongoing changes in the economy. For instance, the strong performance in the Government sector with 70,000 jobs added and Healthcare with 49,000 jobs highlights continued demand in these areas. Meanwhile, the flat growth in Leisure and Hospitality suggests a normalizing trend now that most jobs have been replaced that were lost during the pandemic.


Interviewer: With the labor market normalizing after three years of volatility, what role do recruiting firms like Patrice & Associates play in this environment?


Brian Miller: Recruiting firms are crucial in this environment. We help companies access a better pool of qualified candidates through several key strategies:

Key Strategies for Qualified Candidates:

1. Specialized Expertise: We have deep industry knowledge to identify candidates with specific skills and experience.

2. AI Technology: Our proprietary AI methods revolutionize the recruitment process, making it more efficient to engage with top talent.

3. Extensive Networks: We maintain vast networks, reaching beyond those actively seeking new opportunities.

4. Screening and Vetting: We save companies time by performing initial screenings and ensuring only the most qualified candidates are presented.

5. Market Insights: We provide valuable insights into market trends, salary expectations, and candidate availability.

6. Confidentiality: We discreetly source candidates for sensitive or high-level positions, maintaining privacy for both employers and candidates.


Interviewer: It’s interesting to note the contrast with the Canadian job market, which lost 1,400 jobs in June, and unemployment rose to 6.4%. How is Patrice & Associates addressing this situation in Canada?


Brian Miller: The Canadian job market’s flat growth and rising unemployment present unique challenges. However, our Canadian recruiting team is well-prepared to help companies source the best talent using our innovative AI methods. Despite the current challenges, we remain committed to finding the right candidates for our clients.


Interviewer: Thank you, Brian, for your insights. It’s clear that recruiting firms like yours play a vital role in navigating the complexities of today’s job market.


Brian Miller: Thank you for having me. It’s always a pleasure to discuss these important topics.


Duke Witte absolutely was amazing! 

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to Duke Witte for his assistance in finding me a new job in the hospitality industry. I was disgruntled with my previous job, and I was feeling very discouraged about my prospects. I had been working in the restaurant industry for many years, and I had a lot of experience and skills, but I was having a hard time finding a better opportunity.

I was contacted via LinkedIn by Duke, and thank goodness I was.  Mr. Witte was incredibly helpful and supportive throughout the entire process. He took the time to understand my skills and experience, and worked tirelessly to find me a job that was a good fit.

Duke was also very honest and upfront with me about the job market. He didn't sugarcoat things, but also didn't give up on me. He kept me motivated and encouraged, and never gave up on finding me a job that I would love.

I am so grateful to Duke Witte and his team for their help. I am now happily employed, and I am so happy that I was able to find a job that I love. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is looking for a job in the restaurant industry. He is a true professional, and is dedicated to helping his clients find the perfect job!

Thank you again for everything!

Nick Grubbs

Working with Chris Bovio made job searching so much easier! 

Not only was he available and involved in my search, but also knowledgeable regarding the position. Chris used his industry experience and recruiting network to find the best position for me and my skill set. My only regret is that my new job is so perfect for me that I won’t need to use Chris or Patrice & Associates later.


Nick Guarino

Michael Greig was absolutely fantastic in every way! 

He gave me options and suggestions & eventually found a great for me. Communication was easy and he went above & beyond. Also, he seems like an all around good dude. Thanks again Michael. Solid work out there. You’re hired :)

Nic Callahan

Bryan Curtis was fantastic to work with!

Bryan was very on top of things throughout my recruiting process to the engineering firm I accepted my position with.  I responded to his LinkedIn posting and heard back from him within 24 hours. He continually spoke with me throughout the process checking in regularly and answering all my questions. Bryan was instrumental in helping me find a great job.



Frank Rondeau was a really big help! 

When it came to helping me find my new job, he knocked it out of the park!  He was very honest and thorough throughout the entire process. We had multiple conversations along the way and he always checked in after interviews. Frank was amazing to work with, and I'm super excited to start my new journey thanks to him.       

Many Thanks,


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