Are You Following-Up or Stalking?
There is a fine line between appropriately following up and stalking. There are actions you can take that will prevent the need for you to become a stalker.
A job interview is a competition between you and the other candidates who are being interviewed for the exact same position. You must do all you can during an interview to influence the interviewer so they begin to envision you in the position. Your work is not done once you have completed your job interview.
This is a competitive job market and often the interviewer has scheduled several interviews over a few days. If you want to obtain the offer you can’t just wait to be called by the employer.
1. Ask the interviewer for the target date to fill the position
2. Be proactive and consider your follow up process as a strategic step in your job search process
3. Ask for business cards so you have the correct spelling of names and correct titles
4. Write individual thank you notes to every person involved in the interview process, including the receptionist who greeted you when you arrived.
5. If you have multiple interviews with the same person, send thank you notes after each interview
6. In your thank you notes state your high level of interest in the position and their company as well as the confidence you have in your ability to do the job
7. Show appreciation for the hiring authorities’ time and interest in you reminding them of specific topics discussed during the interview
8. If you have provided references during your interview, personally call your references and discuss the specific opportunity you have interviewed for so they know what skills to highlight when providing your references
9. Remain calm and positive – often decisions are delayed due to other priorities
1. Corresponding only by email, vs. all means of communication
2. Spelling or grammar errors
3. Stopping your job search process waiting for an offer vs. keep interviewing
4. Taking rejection personally, if not hired
5. Don’t show any negativity or disgust if you are not hired. You never know when a new even better opportunity will become available. Implement these ideas and your follow up process will greatly improve your chances of obtaining a job offer.